Licensed to be used in conjunction with basebox, only.
type TypeName @bb_owned
The @bb_owned directive instructs the compiler that the object type is considered an owned object. As a result, the corresponding database table will include a .ownerId column, signifying the owner associated with each record in the table.
Access to a particular owned record is restricted to either the user who owns the record or a user explicitly granted access to that specific user's details. Only these authorized users are allowed to query or modify the designated owned record.
This example informs the compiler that all records in the Patient object/table will be considered owned, with the high likelihood that the logged-in user owns the respective records. Consequently, the compiler will generate a .ownerId column in the database. When a patient record is inserted into the database, the compiler will automatically include the IdP user's ID (i.e., the ID of the logged-in user) who created the entry.
If a type is not explicitly owned using @bb_owned
, it is not owned. This might sound obvious, but it means that any user/role can access the corresponding data records.
It is possible to define both owned and unowned types