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@bb_restrict_fields(_fields: ["field1", "field2"])


The @bb_restrict_fields can be sapplied to a graphql operation and specifies fields from a type which will intentionally not be returned within a response.

It is especially useful in combination with @bb_roles with which we allow access to owned data by another @bb_user.

The @bb_restrict_fields is only supported on operations with @bb_resolver of _type SELECT, INSERT, INSERT_NESTED, UPDATE and UPDATE_NESTED.

The resolver can be used on queries and mutations. The operation where this resolver is used for has to handle owned data type. Within the @bb_resolver of an operation the _object attribute should contain a type which is somehow owned. Or if the operation does not have the _object attribute, the returned type should be owned.

If those conditions are not fullfilled, an error is thrown already on compilation level as the usage of a @bb_restrict_fields would not make sense.

Operations with @bb_restrict_fields directive can also be called in _steps of an ORCHSTRATOR.


Within the sample below, we will not return Car.owner and Car.licensePlate in the response.

type Car {
   id: ID!
   name: String!
   manufacturer: String!
   owner: String
   licensePlate: String!

type Query {

   loadCarItem(carId: ID!): Car!
   @bb_restrict_fields(_fields: ["owner", "licensePlate"])
    _type: SELECT
    _filter: { id: { _eq: "$carId" } }
    _object: Car

@bb_restrict_fields can also be used to hide nested fields of a type:

type Car {
   id: ID!
   name: String!
   manufacturer: String!
   owner: Owner
   licensePlate: String!

type Owner {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  birthdate: String!
  address: Address!

type Address {
  id: ID!
  city: String!
  street: String!
  houseNr: String   

type Query {

   loadCarItems: [Car!]
   @bb_restrict_fields(_fields: ["licensePlate", "", "owner.address.houseNr"])
    _type: SELECT
    _filter: { id: { _eq: "$carId" } }
    _object: Car

In the example above, the returned JSON of loadCarItems will not contain the specified fields, i.e. loadCarItems.owner, will not contain the name attribute.


If a request queries one of the restricted fields the server will answer with 403 (Forbidden).

If @bb_restrict_fields is applied to mutations, the restricted fields are also not returned in the response but additionally cannot be set. The error will be thrown at compilation level by the compiler if applicable.

type Car {
   id: ID!
   name: String
   manufacturer: String
   licensePlate: String
   owners: [Owner!]

type Owner {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  birthdate: String
  address: Address

type Address {
  id: ID!
  city: String!
  street: String!
  houseNr: String   

input InsertCar {
   name: String!
   manufacturer: String!
   licensePlate: String
   ownerName: String!
   ownerBirthday: String

type Mutation {
    insertCar(car: InsertCar): Car
    @bb_restrict_fields(_fields: ["licensePlate", ""])
        _type: INSERT_NESTED,
        _object: Car,
        _fields: {
            name: "$car.$name"
            manufacturer: "$car.$manufacturer"
            licensePlate: "$car.$licensePlate"
            owners: [
                    name: "$car.$ownerName"
                    birthdate: "$car.$ownerBirthday"

insertCar mutation would be valid when it looks like this:

    insertCar(car: InsertCar): Car
    @bb_restrict_fields(_fields: ["licensePlate", ""])
        _type: INSERT_NESTED,
        _object: Car,
        _fields: {
            name: "$car.$name"
            manufacturer: "$car.$manufacturer"
            owners: [
                    birthdate: "$car.$ownerBirthday"