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broker Reference

HTTP Endpoints

broker provides various HTTP endpoints (or paths) your client needs to call to handle authorization and GraphQL requests.


Method: POST

Handles GraphQL requests.

Configuration File

The configuration file is in TOML syntax; it is very similar to good old INI files and organizes options in sections, denoted by square brackets.

Section generic


Type: String
Set broker's log level or verbosity; we recommend setting it to info. Possible values from least to most verbose are:
"error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace"

Section graphql


Type: String
Path and filename to your project's GraphQL schema file.


Type: boolean
Set to either true or false. Turns GraphQL introspection on or off. Should be off for production!

Section server


Type: String
Host name or IP address of the network interface broker should listen on for requests. For production use, this should be set to the IP address of the host; use "" to listen on all available interfaces and "" to only accept local connections (for testing etc). If you set this to a hostname, broker will bind to the IP address returned from a DNS lookup. Example: ""


Type: Integer
Port number; default is 80 for http, 443 for https.
Example: 8080


Type: Integer
Number of HTTP server threads to spawn; default is one per CPU core.
Example: 2


Type: String
Path and file name of TLS/SSL key file.
Example: "/path/to/key.pem"


Type: String
Path and file name of TLS certificate (chain) file.
Example: "/path/to/cert.pem"


Type: Integer
Maximum allowed HTTP request size in bytes; default is 256k.
Example: 262144

Section proxy

This section defines how the broker should connect to dbproxy.


Type: String
host name or IP of basebox DB proxy.
Example: ""


Type: Integer
The TCP/IP port of dbproxy.
Example: 8081


Type: Boolean
Whether to use TLS to connect to dbproxy; set to true or false.
Example: false

Section auth


Type: String
Path and file name to a JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) file. This file contains the public keys that broker uses to verify access token signatures. This is an alternative to specifying the discovery_url and jwks_url fields below and can be used for environments that have no access to the internet. Example: "/path/to/jwks.json"


Type: String
URL of IdP's discovery endpoint; only needed if jwks_url is not set. If both fields are not set, the discovery URL is made up by appending ".well-known/openid-configuration" to the iss field.


Type: String
URL of IdP's public keyset; optional if discovery_url is set or can be derived from the iss field


Type: String
Issuer field, usually the URL of the IdP realm, e.g.


Type: String
Access token audience field

Section auth_management


Type: String
Name of the authentication provider to use for authentication management. Currently, only auth0 is supported.


Type: String
Domain of your Auth0 realm; example: ""


Type: String
Client ID of the machine-to-machine client that is allowed to get access tokens for the Management API.


Type: String
Client secret of the machine-to-machine client that is allowed to get access tokens for the Management API.

Last update: 2024-06-06